Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving

Nov 25 - I woke up around 9am this morning and had a big smile for Mommy when she came to get me. She kissed me and told me "Happy Thanksgiving." She also apologized for the goofy outfit that she was going to put me in later.

We came out to the family room and saw Daddy. After breakfast Mommy and I hung out and did our usual thing while Daddy did the dishes and cooked his mac n' cheese. I told my morning nap and when I woke up Mommy handed me over to Daddy so she could get a shower and get dressed. Daddy played the Wii for me. After Mommy was dressed, it was my turn. Mommy again apologized for putting me in this goofy outfit with Pooh dressed as an indian and Tiger dressed as a pilgrim and that said "Baby's First Thanksgiving." It wasn't that bad and it was only for one day.

Daddy, Mommy, me and the mac n'cheese all jumped in the car and headed over to great Uncle Henry's and Aunt Marian's house in Ft. Washington. We said hi to everyone and I sat with Grandma for a little while being such a good little boy. Everyone started to comment on how good I was. Mommy said that they jinxed it. Shortly after, I started to get fussy and cranky. Mommy took me into a back bedroom and nursed me. I wanted to fall asleep but Mommy wouldn't let me. She said that she didn't want to be stuck in the back room for the next two hours. So we came back out to the party. It was just about time for everyone else to eat. Mommy and Daddy brought my high chair from home so I got to sit at the big table with everyone else. Mommy fed me a jar of turkey and rice first. Then she told me that I was going to try my first non-liquid turkey. She put a bunch of small pieces of turkey, ham, mac n'cheese, mashed potatoes and bread on my tray. I had a good time testing all of the different flavors and textures. I got a lot on the bib and some on the floor but I think I can say that I like Thanksgiving.

After the meal Mommy, Daddy, and Grandma went upstairs and played on the floor together. Mommy brought my nesting balls with the yellow rattle ball. I chased the rattle ball around the floor and knocked over the other balls when Mommy would stack them. Then Daddy took apart all the pieces and stacked them in order and told me to put the rattle ball on top. You know what? I DID! Mommy and Daddy couldn't believe it. I had with both hands laid the rattle ball right on top where it was supposed to go. Then I grabbed it back again and then placed it on top again just to tell Mommy and Daddy it wasn't an accident. They were thrilled.

It was just about time to go since I was getting really sleepy. I missed my afternoon nap. Aunt Lynn gave me a new toy to play with from the downstairs playroom where the rest of the kids were playing. Mommy and Uncle Sean thought the toy was cool because it was a chicken nugget with eyes from a happy meal about 20 years ago. They remembered that toy from when they were kids. I chewed on it and and it was perfect size for me. Since it made me happy Daddy said that we are keeping it.

We said our goodbyes and got in the car and drove home. Of course, I slept on the way home and woke up when we got there. Mommy tried to get me to go back to sleep but it wasn't happening even though I was still tired. I spent the rest of the evening playing. Before I went to bed Mommy asked me, "Do you know what we are thankful for?" Daddy answered, "You," as he poked my full belly and made me giggle. I was in bed after 11pm. Happy Thanksgiving.

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